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Get ready to take on natural disasters at Ragnohacks

Join us at Ragnohacks, Ottawa's first high school hackathon! The event is open to all high schoolers (grade 9-12). If you're interested in the event but outside this range, send us an email.
Date: Saturday Oct. 26th @ 2pm to Sunday, Oct. 27th @ 2pm Venue: Shopify Ottawa (150 Elgin Street)
Wanna learn more? Visit for more information
Got more questions? Don't hesitate to ask the team at [email protected]
See you soon!

Basic details

Legal name

This should match what appears on your official ID.

Preferred name




Date of birth

This should match what appears on your official ID.

More details

Phone number

We'll use this if we need to ever reach out quickly.
SMS updates

School name




Dietary restrictions

Dietary restrictions

Do you need help paying for travel costs associated with Ragnohacks?


Please provide the contact information for a parent/guardian to act as your emergency contact. Additionally, this individual will receive your event liability waiver. You must fill out this section if you are under 18.

Getting to know you

How did you find us?

Have you been to a hackathon before?

Hackathon history

Wanna run an activity? (optional)

Host a workshop where you share how to build a fun project, like a video game or neural network.
Do a lightning talk, a 5-minute casual speech on anything from your favourite season to how the internet works.
Run another side activity, like a 7AM zumba session or a silent disco. We'd love to hear your ideas! :D

Have you created tech projects before?

No experience required to join Ragnohacks

Do you plan on bringing hardware with you?

You do not have to bring hardware.
Do you plan on bringing hardware with you?

Is there anything you'd like to see at Ragnohacks, or anything else you'd like to tell us?